Committed to supporting businesses and executives in all aspects of labor law.

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Our promise
Commited to make the right decisions and defend them.
Understanding the situation to assess risks
By taking into account your objectives, your constraints, and the social climate of the company, we precisely assess the risks to collectively decide on the best strategy.
Defining a strategy together
We recommend the solution that best meets the company’s interest, whether it involves a legal action, a principle positioning, or the search for a consensus.
Carrying and defending your decisions
We stand by your side to carry and defend your decisions to the end: facing staff representatives, the labor inspector, or before the judge, with the determination and tenacity that characterize the firm’s lawyers.
Comprehensive expertise in employment law
Collective work relations
- Management of the CSE and unions: elections / consultations / negotiations
- Collective bargaining agreements / charters (teleworking etc.) / internal rules
- Working time: diagnosis / drafting of the agreement / day packages
- Remuneration: Annual Compulsory Negotiation / variable remuneration / professional equality
Individual work relations
- Employment contract: drafting of specific contracts / special clauses (mobility / non-competition / IP)
- Disciplinary procedure / termination of employment contract
- Discrimination and moral and sexual harassment: prevention / investigation
- Detachment / expatriation
- Lending workforce
Advice to senior executives and corporate officers
- Departure negotiation (package, taxation, communication)
- Status (employment contract / corporate mandate)
- Complex remuneration structures
- Employment court litigation
- URSSAF litigation (social contributions)
- Collective litigation: expertise / PSE / summary
- Professional elections
- Unfair competition (CPH / Commercial Court)
- Harassment and discrimination
- Unfitness / work accident / occupational disease
- Labor criminal law: working time / illegal work
Health and safety
- Safety, hygiene and health at work
- Prevention of psychosocial risks
- Work accidents
- Occupational diseases
Distressed companies
- Redundancy procedure for economic reasons / collective termination agreement
- Closure / consolidation of sites
- Conduct of job preservation plans / voluntary departure plans
Social Audit
- Pre-acquisition, disposal or merger audit
- Quality audit: analysis of practices / suggestions for improvement
- Risk audit
- Social Audit
Employee savings
- Employee savings and shareholding policies
Our specific service offers
Raphaël Avocats develops offers on specific themes and topics. These offers reflect the tasks entrusted to us and those we can carry out for you. To find out what Raphaël Avocats can do for you, please consult our examples of targeted offers.
Alert / harassment: internal investigations
Negotiation of executive departures
Reorganization of TPE/PME/ETI companies
Unfair competition
URSSAF control and litigation
A recognized firm
Raphaël is ranked in 8 categories of the 2022 edition of the SOCIAL LAW guide from DECIDEURS
See the ranking
The Legal 500
Raphaël is ranked in the 2022 edition of the LEGAL 500 EMEA guide
See the ranking
Best Lawyers 2023
Isabelle Ayache Revah is distinguished in the 2023 edition of the Best Lawyers guide
See the ranking